Wednesday 10 August 2011

Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs - best high protein start to the day!

I love bacon and eggs for breakfast, and probably have it at least twice a week.

Here's some tips to make it healthier:

  1. Cut the excess fat off your bacon, I know it's tasty, but you DON'T need it
  2. Use a spray oil for the bacon, rather than pouring oil into the pan
  3. Place the bacon in a cold pan and allow it to heat up as you heat the pan, this helps more fat drain out of the meat which you can remove
  4. Eggs don't go well in spray oil (in my opinion) so add 1 tea spoon of oil into a corner of the pan, tilting the pan to keep it there. Allow the oil to heat through then crack the egg into the oil
  5. Use a healthy tasty oil like Peanut oil
Ideally you'd also add some beans and greens to your fry-up - I'll do a future post about quick ways of doing that.

Follow me on Twitter @SlowCarbMeals or comment below!

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