Saturday 9 July 2011

Low Carb (High Protein!) Alcoholic drink...

So after not posting for 3 days (I was at a conference and my TOTAL lack of organisation led to me eating junk carbs for at least one meal each day... and even have a few beers) I'm back on the (low carb) wagon.

Today is Saturday and /should/ be my carb binge day, but since my week has been lame I'm skipping it.

I'm just getting ready to go out and meet some friends, but fancied a drink first. But all I had in was some beer I'd put aside for today and some spirits but no mixers (and the only spirits I could drink straight are pretty high carb so they are out).

SO what to do?

More LOW carb iced coffee! low carb snack: iced soya milk coffee


30g of protein power (vanilla) - this does add 3.5g of carbs but also adds 22g of protein so not too bad if I only have one. Or two...

Small slug of some JD
Someone had left it at my house (I don't like JD, not even with diet coke) but this worked well. I'd have preferred a brandy, so it would be more like a brand alexander, but the JD worked fine. I'd only suggest 1 shot of JD to a large glass of iced coffee, as I tried too and had to totally water it down with more soya milk, as it tasted too strong for me to enjoy.

So there you have it, low carb, high protein, skinny, soya, iced, JD whiskey, coffee!

Any other inventive '#lchp' drinks you would suggest? Comment below or tweet me at @LowCarbLiam

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